Saturday, July 28, 2018
Acer Aspire E1 471 E1 471G Notebook Drivers Win 8
Acer Aspire E1 471 E1 471G Notebook Drivers Win 8
-- NAME: DG_Primary_Database_Diagnosis.sql
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- AUTHOR: Mohammad Abdul Momin Arju
-- September 2010.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is used to troubleshoot Oracle Data Guard issues for
-- Data Guard Primary database.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This script is provided for educational purposes only.
-- Test it before you run in your production database.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Content of the Script
set echo off-- Select from v$database will give us the generic information about how this standby is
set feedback off
column timecol new_value timestamp
column spool_extension new_value suffix
select to_char(sysdate,Mondd_hhmi) timecol,
.out spool_extension from sys.dual;
column output new_value dbname
select value || _ output
from v$parameter where name = db_name;
spool dg_prim_diag_&&dbname&×tamp&&suffix
set linesize 79
set pagesize 35
set trim on
set trims on
alter session set nls_date_format = MON-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS;
set feedback on
select to_char(sysdate) time from dual;
set echo on
-- It should be standby for standby database. PROTECTION_MODE can be,
-- MAXIMUM PROTECTION - Database is running in maximized protection mode
-- MAXIMUM AVAILABILITY - Database is running in maximized availability mode
-- RESYNCHRONIZATION - Database is running in resynchronization mode
-- MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE - Database is running in maximized protection mode
-- UNPROTECTED - Database is unprotected (this normally occurs when the primary database is mounted and not open)
-- If protection_level is different than protection_mode then for some
-- reason the mode listed in protection_mode experienced a need to downgrade. Once the
-- error condition has been corrected the protection_level should match the protection_mode
-- after the next log switch.
column role format a7 tru-- ARCHIVER can be STOPPED/STARTED/FAILED -
column name format a10 wrap
select name,database_role role,log_mode,
from v$database;
-- Archiver FAILED means archiver failed to archive a log last time but will try
-- again within 5 minutes
-- NULL means ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE is hung but there is room in the current online redo log
column host_name format a20 tru-- Force logging is not mandatory but is recommended. Supplemental
column version format a9 tru
select instance_name,host_name,version,archiver,log_switch_wait
from v$instance;
-- logging must be enabled if the standby associated with this primary is
-- a logical standby. During normal operations it is acceptable for
column force_logging format a13 tru-- This query produces a list of all archive destinations and shows if they are enabled,
column remote_archive format a14 tru
column dataguard_broker format a16 tru
select force_logging,remote_archive,
from v$database;
-- what process is servicing that destination, if the destination is local or remote,
-- and if remote what the current mount ID is.
-- Status can be, VALID - Initialized and available
-- INACTIVE - No destination information
-- DEFERRED - Manually disabled by the user
-- ERROR - Error during open or copy
-- DISABLED - Disabled after error
-- BAD PARAM - Parameter has errors
-- ALTERNATE - Destination is in an alternate state
-- FULL - Exceeded quota size for the destination.
-- For a physical standby we should have at least one remote destination that points the primary set.
COLUMN destination FORMAT A35 WRAP-- This select will give further detail on the destinations as to what
column process format a10
column archiver format a10
column ID format 99
select dest_id "ID",destination,status,target,
from v$archive_dest order by 1;
-- options have been set. Register indicates whether or not the archived
-- redo log is registered in the remote destination control file.
set numwidth 8-- The following select will show any errors that occured the last time an attempt to
column ID format 99
select dest_id "ID",archiver,transmit_mode,affirm,async_blocks async,
net_timeout net_time,delay_mins delay,reopen_secs reopen,
from v$archive_dest order by dest_id;
-- archive to the destination was attempted. If ERROR is blank and status is VALID then
-- the archive completed correctly.
column error format a80 tru-- Determine if any error conditions have been reached by querying the v$dataguard_status
select dest_id,status,error from v$archive_dest;
column message format a100-- The following query will determine the current sequence number
select message, timestamp
from v$dataguard_status
where severity in (Error,Fatal)
order by timestamp;
-- and the last sequence archived. If you are remotely archiving
-- using the LGWR process then the archived sequence should be one
-- higher than the current sequence. If remotely archiving using the
-- ARCH process then the archived sequence should be equal to the
-- current sequence. The applied sequence information is updated at
-- log switch time.
select ads.dest_id,max(sequence#) "Current Sequence",-- The following select will attempt to gather as much information as
max(log_sequence) "Last Archived"
from v$archived_log al, v$archive_dest ad, v$archive_dest_status ads
where ad.dest_id=al.dest_id
and al.dest_id=ads.dest_id
group by ads.dest_id;
-- possible from the standby.
set numwidth 8
column ID format 99
column "SRLs" format 99
column Active format 99
select dest_id id,database_mode db_mode,recovery_mode,
protection_mode,standby_logfile_count "SRLs",
standby_logfile_active ACTIVE,
from v$archive_dest_status;
-- Query v$managed_standby to see the status of processes involved in
-- the shipping redo on this system. Does not include processes needed to
-- apply redo.
select process,status,client_process,sequence#-- The following query is run on the primary to see if SRLs have been
from v$managed_standby;
-- created in preparation for switchover.
select group#,sequence#,bytes from v$standby_log;-- The above SRLs should match in number and in size with the ORLs
-- returned below:
select group#,thread#,sequence#,bytes,archived,status from v$log;-- Verify all the Non-default init parameters.
set numwidth 5
column name format a30 tru
column value format a48 wra
select name, value
from v$parameter
where isdefault = FALSE;
spool off
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